Tuesday, October 28, 2008
New in DiGi
Beware of Fraud SMS
Bertuah!!! Sim Card, anda memenangi peraduan. dari 'PETRONAS TWIN TOWERS'. Wang Tunai RM17,000 Information sila Call; 00628588829xxxx Terima Kasih Translation: Congratulation!!! Simcard, you've won a competition organise by 'PETRONAS TWIN TOWERS'. Money worth RM17,000 Information please call; 00628588829xxxx Thank you.This is the second time I received a similar SMS while using DiGi. How do I know it's fraud?
- It's too good to be true
- I never join any contest or competition organise by whoever
- Weird foreign number want you to call back.
- The sentence read like direct translation
The Asset of Stock
- Sales: Cash Sale (Cash Bill, Cash Sale Bills) => Cash Account (Debit) & Sales Account (Credit) , Credit Sale (Invoice)
- Purchases: Cash Purchase (Official receipt, Cash Sale, Cash Bill), Credit Purchase (Invoice) => Purchase (Debit), Supplier (Credit)
- Return Inwards: Sale Return (give Credit Note or receive Debit Note) is when customer return goods back (100% Debit)
- Return Outwards: Purchase Return (give Debit Note or receive Credit Note) is when you return item to supplier (100% Credit)
- Goods return to supplier (creditors)
- Charge to customer (1. Postage Charge 2. Carriage Charge (transportation) 3. Interest Charge 4. Legal Charge (Lawyer fee))
- Discount received by creditors
- Correction of error (Wrongly entered amount)
- Exchange and Contra
- Goods return by customer (debtors)
- Charge by supplier (1. Postage Charge 2. Carriage Charge (transportation) 3. Interest Charge 4. Legal Charge (Lawyer fee))
- Discount to customer
- Correction of error
- Exchange and Contra
What are ledger and double entries?
- T-Form or Cash book
- Vertical form = | Debtors Ledger (DL), Sale Ledger (SL), Account Receivable (AR)--> Customer owe money | Creditors Ledger (CL), Purchase Ledger (PL), Account Payable (AP)--> You owe money from supplier | General Ledger (GL), Nominal Ledger (NL)--> Record impersonal account e.g equipment or unpaid | Petty Cash book --> Pay small figure amount | General Journal (GJ), Journal Entries (JE)--> Do correction, adjustment of error, exchange, contra |
- Using Ledger = | Debit (1. In 2. Received), Credit (1. Out (stock) 2. Given (donation) 3. Payment 4. Sold 5. Transferred 6. Loss (Damaged goods, stolen or destroy in fire) | Asset (debit) | Liabilities (credit)
- Opening two ledger
- Show item (to show that your company have money e.g Cash Account, Fixed Asset Account, Debtors, Creditors)
- First ledger must be debit, then second ledger must be credit
Let's Learn a lil' Accounting Equation
- Capital: Boss, Owner or Proprietor. Owner is the person who brings money to the company or firm.
- Assets: Land and Building (e.g house, land, factory, shop, office) - Fixed Asset, Freehold Premises, Furniture & Fitting (e.g motor car, motor van, tractor, lorry etc), Equipment (e.g fax machine, water dispenser, microwave etc), Computer (e.g scanner, pendrive, UBS accounting Software), Stationery (e.g ink, pen, paper etc), Plant and machinery (e.g Carriage, transport fee for new machine, installation cost for new machine), Investment (Share), Stock (Unsold goods, unused goods), Debtors (Customer who owe money or sold goods on credit to customer) - Current Asset, Prepaid (Pay in advance), Bank (fixed deposit account, current account for company, saving account for individual), Cash (Money)
- Liabilities (owed): Creditors (Bought goods on credit from supplier) - Current Liabilities, Loan (borrow money from bank or other company) - Long term liabilities, Bank Overdraft (only for current account), Mortgage (owe money with high interest), Unpaid (Owing, outstanding, accrued, arrear).
- Fixed deposit: Money put in bank, Give people deposit before taking the product (e.g car, house)
- Bill receivable: Agreement, sold good on credit
- Expenses: Telephone bill, electric bill, water bill, salary etc
- Prepaid expenses: People still owe you money because you pay more for the item
- Revenue: Income
- Unpaid revenue: People owe you money.
- Debtors: Customer
- Creditors: Supplier
Friday, October 24, 2008
Tenant Renting Guide
I use to rent a place with a few friends while studying at KL back then, it wasn't easy looking for a house when budget is tight. I can recall a few times when we got cheated by fraud landlord. The first time was when we place a booking on an apartment, only ending up not getting back our money and not having a place to stay because the landlord apparently suddenly vanish after we pay the deposit. And the second time we got cheated not by the landlord but by the head tenant (the person who collect money from us and give it to the landlord), when we decided to move out, she refuse to return our utility deposit money and claim that we were the one who cheated on her (that's another story).
Although people may say that it's good that we can rent a place to stay (instead of staying with our parents or relatives), atleast we're more independent and allow us to grow up and be in control of our own life. But it's not fun renting a place that is not your own, you can face problem like cheated by landlord, agent or housemates, sometime get evicted without prior notice. I can certainly says that looking for a place to stay is not the easiest thing to do and especiallly looking for a good landlord who won't cheat you of your hard earn money. Renting a place to stay means paying deposit, monthly rent and water & electricity bill.Here are a few tips for tenants:
- Determine your requirements: Budget, Location, Type of Property, Property Size, Duration of Tenancy, Furnish or unfurnished.
- Budget: The standard procedure for renting a house or apartment as required by the landlord is 1 month deposit + 1 month rent + Utility Deposit or 2 months deposit + 1 month rent + utility deposit. So you need to make sure that you can afford to pay your monthly rent on time.
- Location: (A) Proximity and access to work place. (B) Access to schools (C) Nearby sundry shop, leisure, religious facilities, parks. (D) Safety
- Types of Property: Landed and non-landed property. Landed means house that are detached, semi-detached, and link-house. Non-landed include condominium, apartment and flats. Rooms are also available to let in a private homes.
- Property size: Make a checklist of your requirement e.g number of rooms, bathroom, kitchen size, land area, built up area.
- Duration of tenancy: The normal tenancy term is 1year. You can negotiate with your landlord for a term which suits your requirements. If you want to move out, usually you are required to give 1-2months notice to the landlord (as written in the agreement), so that he/she may be able to find a replacement soon.
- Furnished or Unfurnished: If you're a student or working adult, it is usually preferable to rent a house with utilities such as fridge, gas stove, microwave, kitchen cabinet, TV, sofas available. So that you don't have to buy it yourself since you're only going to stay there for a couple of years.
- Arrange for viewing: You can find places to rent on the classified section of your daily newspaper, the Internet (www.mudah.com.my), poster or notice on the notice board of the apartment you want to rent. During viewing, note down the property details and your evaluation of the property, this will help you compare the properties. Take your time during viewing, don't hesitate to open windows, water taps, lights and fan, just to make sure that everything is in order.
- Make an offer: A landlord asking price is usually higher than the price they will actually settle for and usually negotiable. Rentals on similar properties allows you to know the market rent should be. If there are a lot of other people asking about the house, then negotiating might not be easy. Landlord may either accept, reject or counter-offer, and neogtiations will continue until a rent is agreed.
- The rental agreement: Upon signing of agreement, you will be expected to pay 1month deposit + 1month rent + utility deposit. Rental agreement will have the landlord and tenants particulars, address of the property, the agreed rent, the term and commencement date, as well as the tenant's and landlord's terms and conditions. The tenancy agreement also include the inventory of the items in the property, before signing the agreement, make sure everything is in ordered to avoid any dispute at the end of the tenancy. You may also take pictures when you move in to avoid any dispute as to whether any defects were already present when you moved in.
- Leaving the property at the end of the tenancy: If your tenancy is coming to an end and you do not wish to renew, you need to check your rental agreement to make sure whether you need to give notice to the landlord that you wanted to terminate the tenancy. Before leaving, go through the inventory to ensure you are leaving the property as you got it at the start of the tenancy, otherwise the landlord may be entitled to keep part or all of your deposit. Make sure you pay your outstanding bill because if you fail to do so, the landlord may not return your utilities deposit.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
House For Rent at Menggatal. Interested anybody???
My sister house will be available to rent on December 2008 onwards. The current tenant has bought a new apartment at Country Height, and they'll be moving out on end on November due to the agreement that stated that they need to stay at least 1 year.
The neighborhood is very pleasant, and the people in the neighborhood are very friendly. The house itself is very well maintained. There's a small garden at backyard where you can plant vegetable or fruit tree. The front yard is big enough to park a car, and you can also keep a guard dog in front.
The house have 3 rooms: 1 master bedroom (with toilet attached + water heater), 1 small room, 1 medium room with bay window. It has 2 toilet, one attached with the master bedroom and the other one outside. The living room is spacious (with sofa and coffee table) , also have a dining room (with dining table and chairs), the kitchen got fridge, gas stove and cabinet. All the windows are covered with natural color curtain. There are light and fan on each room. The living room and dining room have light and fan attached on the ceiling. You can also installed Astro disc (already got a stand for it).
Location is very strategic, nearby a church (Good Shepard Catholic Church and Basel Church-BCCM), secondary-primary-kindergarten school (Good Shepard), Menggatal town (entertainment outlet (e.g snooker), cyber cafe, food stalls, 7-11 store, sundry shop, cold storage, 4D outlet, computer shop, hair saloon, handphone shop etc etc etc), bus terminal (to KK, Telipok, Inanam), wet market (fish, meat, vegetable). At the Menggatal town, there's a tamu (flea market) on every Wednesday, you can buy fruits, vegetable, plant, fish, 2nd hand clothes etc etc etc and the price so cheap.To summarise it all, the area is very convenient if you work in Inanam, Menggatal, 1Borneo, UMS, UiTM, Putrajaya, Politeknik, Telipok. It has less traffic jam, maybe only takes you 10-15min to get to your destination. If you want to book, you are required to give 1 month deposit (or RM850). And upon signing of agreement, you are required to give 1 month deposit (or RM850) + 1 month rent (or RM850) + utility deposit (RM200). Utility deposit purpose is for just incase anything is broken in the house or overdue water or electricity bill which will be deducted from there.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Who doesn't HATE traffic jam?
- Bad road structure/condition (Potholes everywhere).
- Its raining all the time.
- More and more people have car (one family can have minimum 2-3 cars).
- Never ending construction which cause people to slow down each time they drive by a road construction (or reconstruction).
- There's an accident ahead (minor or major = equally bad).
- Cars jump queue.
- Police traffic (They are there sometime for no apparent reason and this include even when the traffic light is working perfectly - very mind bogling indeed)
- Car brokedown in the middle of the road.
- Idiot on the road. Drivers who think driving with 60km/hour speed allowed them to drive in the fast lane. Bad driving ethics.
- Traffic light not working (and no police traffic)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Wassup 1Borneo on Sunday?
I manage to catch a few photo of the event.
The car show at the center ground floor of 1Borneo. Consisting of both local and international cars such as Lotus, Ferrari, Mitsuoka.The elegant Mitsuoka, their car show has just been launched at their show room at Iramanis.Yummy delicacies! Guess what are these? They are actually chocolate-covered-grapes, very creative indeed, but the taste is so-so. Some fruits are better eaten naturally.
And these are the "Borneo Cocoa Valley" people whose "creative" idea in coating the grapes and apples with melting chocolate and sold it for RM1 each. And we (not in the photo) are the "gullible" people who bought it simply cos I want to support our local people ("Borneo") and only to find out that the people who are promoting or selling it is "not so local" after all (what a disappointment indeed).
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Fancy a doggie bag?

Here's an email I got recently, it looks like a real dog, doesn't it? I bet this is one of those China "Louis Vuitton" imitation bag. So typical of them. Why would anyone want to buy this anyway? It looks so creepy, especially the big bulging eye, makes you feel that this bag is actually made of real dog skin. Euww, gross! Unless of cos you want to give a good scare to someone. I won't want this even if it's free.
Khong Guan, Khian Guan biscuits recalled (MELAMINE)
PUTRAJAYA: PUTRAJAYA: Excessive melamine was found in 18 of 47 biscuits produced by the Khong Guan and Khian Guan brands and they have been ordered removed from the shelves immediately.
“We have also requested that they voluntarily recall the rest of the products (the remaining 29),” said Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai
Asked if they had agreed to do so, Liow said: “Yes, they are very responsive. They are all responsible companies.”
The 18 biscuit products were found to have melamine in excess of the permissable 2.5mg/kg or 2.5 parts per million (ppm).
Liow said the Ministry had traced the source of the melamine to ammonium bicarbonate imported by both manufacturers from China.
“Results from our tests found that Khong Guan biscuits contained 33.4ppm while Khian Guan contained 508ppm,” he said.
As such, Liow had banned the import of ammonium bicarbonate from China, placing the substance under Level 6 Examination (Auto Rejection), while ammonium bicarbonate from other countries were placed under Level 4 Examination (Surveilance Examination) under the Food Safety Information of Malaysia (FoSIM).
Excessive melamine was first linked to contaminated dairy products, but Liow said the Ministry would now be more alert and test more products other than those with dairy content due to the ammonium bicarbonate findings.
Ammonium bicarbonate is usually used as a raising agent in biscuit production and is allowed under the Food Rules 1985 but strict action had to be taken to protect the health of consumers, he said.
“All factories that use ammonium bicarbonate from China will have their products tested. We will test all biscuits in the country,” he said.
He said that food with dairy content from China had been placed under Level 6 Examination, and with the latest revelation, all imported biscuits had been placed under Level 4 Examination.
Meanwhile, he said the Ministry is looking into Julie’s Crackers and Mali unsweetened condensed milk, which was reported in the media to contain excessive levels of melamine. - Quoted from The Star.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tips for House Buyer
- Your Savings - Make sure you've enough money in the bank for the down payment. Don't buy a house thats too expensive for you to afford. You need to develop a financial plan so that you'll be able to save money for the down payment ( which usually cost 10% of the purchase price), but also for other causes such as credit check, morgage application and the closing.
- Your Credit - Make sure you've a clean background. Consistent in paying your loan, limit your debt, and most importantly use your credit card responsibly. The better your credit history, the better your credit score and the higher chance of getting a bank loan. There certain things need to be aware of: Mortgage Pre-approval, down payment, Mortgage options and Closing Costs (legal fee & stamp duty).
- What is Mortgage Pre-approval? - It is a simple calculation that tells you the amount you'll be able to finance through a loan and what your monthly payment will be. You can get this from any bank that offer a home loan. You can also ask them on details regarding house financing. They breakdown the calculation to how much you should earn month, how much you should pay monthly, and the years that you need to pay.
- Down Payment - The money you pay up front for your new house. Usually is 10% of the purchase price. However, you can pay more, and the more you pay cash, the less you will need to pay each month on the mortgage, and the lower the interest costs will be over the life of the mortgage.
- Mortgage - House financing options available for you before you buy your new house.
- Closing and other additional costs - This is when ownership of the house is officially transferred from the seller to you. In most case, the developer to you. If you're interested to buy the house, you may also pay deposit for it (e.g 1-10% if purchase price), and this is called good faith deposit.
- The Offer - When making an offer, you not only specify the price you are willing to pay but also the details of the purchase. Most importantly before making an offer you need to evaluate the property (property conditions, market conditions, seller motivation, deposit, inspection)
- Insurance - Before they can approve your lending-arrangement and allow you to close on your new house, they will ask you to show proof of title, title insurance (a protection against loss arising from problems connected to the title to your property), and house owner's insurance.
- The final visit - To ensure that the house has been left in the expected condition. You may ask for discount or credit at the closing to cover any missing item or last-minute to the property
Monday, October 13, 2008
Is she interested?
- She laugh at your jokes (eventhough it's not funny at all)
- She lean forward when talking to you ( if she's not interested, she'll lean backward and cross her arms).
- She gives you compliment and it sound sincere.
- She listen with interest when you talk (if she started to yawn, u better stop talking).
- She accept your offer on a second date.
- She remembers your birthday (every year & sometime even give you gifts).
- She replied your text every single time, even when she's busy.
- She smiles through out the date (no gloomy or dull face).
- She put effort in her appearance each time you meet.
- She talks a lot about herself to you. And each time you talk, there's actually a conversation. No quiet and dull moment. (may not apply to girls who are shy and quiet)
- She steals glimpses of you when you're not looking.
- She feels jealous when you talk about other women (your ex or colleagues).
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Before buying a House
- Must be within my budget. Preferably below 200k.
- Location. Preferably near town, school, church and workplace. Not at crime prone area (away from the Pilaks).
- Design. Cosy and nice to look at. Doesn't have to be double storey or big.
- Have lawn, so I can keep a dog or cat and park my car.
- Eligibility - Buyers must be Malaysian citizen. Bumiputra can enjoy from 5% up to 8% discount on purchase price. YEY!
- Title - Most land has 99years. Native land have 999years. Make sure don't buy land that is almost expired.
- Financing - Most bank provide housing loan for their client, hopefully you've a clean background (and you may also choose to refinance your house after a few years). Otherwise, withdraw from EPF, 30% of the total amount deposited in the EPF.
- Documentation & Procedures - Fill in forms (for purchase of house contract). It is common practice that upon signing of the sale and purchase agreement 10% of the purchase price be paid to the seller.
- Stamp Duty - Levied on the document of transfer. 1% on the first RM100,000.00.
- Legal Fees - Here's where the lawyer comes in. 1% on the first RM100,000.00, For each sale and purchase of a house, the solicitors concerned can only collect fees based on the above scale from either the seller or the purchaser and not from both of them.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Dating Tips
Often guys wondered why some guy can get a girlfriend so easily. To tell you the truth, its not always about the money or the sport car. It's how you treat a girl. And again, this is all based on experience, observation and opinion from other people. Please take note also that each girl is different, but these are just some of the general tips to show that you care.Tips on how to treat a girl the right way:
- Dress up neatly and iron your shirt, but not too smart just casual and don't tuck in your shirt (jeans, leather boots and collared t-shirt is just nice :-) ). Take care of your hygiene when going out with her.
- Make her feel special. Tell her she looks wonderful (and be sincere) and that you like her smiles. Give her compliment.
- Entertain her with jokes. Every girl likes a funny guy. No dirty joke, unless you want to scare her away. Dry and sarcastic joke should be avoided as well.
- Just be yourself, no need to pretend to be someone else you're not.
- Listen to her when she talks. Every girl likes to be the center of attention of every man. So pay attention when she talks to you. And don't interrupt unless ask to do so :-D.
- Speak little of yourself, ask more about her (the more the better). It will show that you really interested in her.
- Know what subject to talk about. Don't talk about serious subject that bores her (e.g. politic & religion should be avoided) and don't be too formal. Good topic to start with, should be about her. ALWAYS. Example, ask her which restaurant she often go to, what movie she likes, what does she do during weekend. Just a normal and casual conversation. No tension.
- When go out on a date with her, always ALWAYS pay for the bill. It shows that you're generous and not a cheapskate. No girls like a cheapskate guy for a boyfriend.
- Call her or text her after a date. Just to show that you care. No need to call or text until 100 times a day, that is too much and scary.
- If she doesn't response to you the first time, try again, she might try to test your patience or simply shy. If she's not interested, she won't answer your repeated call (and text) after the first date. If she response, you're 1 step closer.
- Never forget these occasions : her birthday & Valentine's day.
- Every girl likes to be given a surprise gift once in a while, and it doesn't have to be expensive. It's the thought that count (really :-D). A card expressing your feeling for her is also a good idea (Old fashion? Yes, but its sweet, I like :p).
Friday, October 10, 2008
Based solely on experience and observation, writing just for fun not necessarily applicable :-DWhy Single People STILL single ??? Most probably they fit more than one of the criteria below.
- Lack of trust in other people. Not easy to trust other people, also probably due to past experience.
- Hard to please. High expectations of other people. In other word, very picky.
- Cannot find people who are of equal level in education, status or career.
- Guys looking for model type girlfriend. Girls looking for prince charming.
- Overestimate yourself. Think too highly of yourself. You think other people are not match to you.
- Family responsibility. Need to take care of elderly parents or their family members. No time for social life.
- Bad past experience in relationship.
- Still not over the EX.
- Low self-esteem. Think too lowly of themselves. Not confident in their own ability. Scared that they cannot give the best to other people or think that they don't have enough money to take care of other people.
- They are a Catholic priest or a nun.
- Too busy with work, forgot about having a social life. Too keen in looking for more money to get rich.
- Don't want to commit in relationship. Scared of loosing their single title, don't want to be tied down by other people. Want to have control of their own life. Want to enjoy only.
- Bad attitude. Short or bad temper. Over controlling. Too bossy. etc etc etc.
- Looking for Mr or Miss Perfect. Well, guess what? Nobody's perfect. So if u r looking for Mr or Miss Perfect, then u r obviously looking for NOBODY.
Bolllywood Star: Shah Rukh Khan Given a Datuk Title????

- He is an Indian citizen
- Did he contribute to our country in any way?
- He is not Malaysian.
- There are a lot other people IN Malaysia who deserves it more than he does.
- I don't understand why????
Just an update, they say he made a movie in Malacca, and hence it promote Malacca to all over the world and that tourists from everywhere now flock to Malacca. And hence, its a good enough excuse to award him that title, which he probably couldn't cared less. Not sure if he even coming to get the award, he wouldn't be able to use it back in India anyway. Duh.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Demon Possessed or Mental Illness?
A couple have a son who was previously warded for a few month for his mental illness. He claimed that he keeps hearing various voices in his head and all this make him unable to sleep and feeling afraid all the time. A few days before the murder, the couple received a call from their son asking them for their help to seek treatment. They then brought their son to see a "bomoh" for treatment. They were on their way to seek the "bomoh" when their son suggested that they stop by at a mosque to pray. While the father was reciting the last verses of prayer, his son walked slowly to him from behind, his left hand on his father's shoulder, while his right hand holding a knife and calmly, he slit his father's neck. He wasn't angry or any kind, just calm. The father stood up abruptly before dropping on the floor with blood spurting from his neck. He then walked away, only to walk back again and slitting his father's throat while saying, "He is misguided" repeatedly. THE END.So what say you? Is this a case of schizophrenia gone awfully bad? Or do you think he was possessed by a demon? According to Wikipedia Schizophrenia is most commonly manifests as auditory hallucinations (hence the case of hearing voices in his head), paranoid (feeling scared all the time without apparent reason) or bizarre delusions (maybe seeing things that doesn't exist), or disorganized speech and thinking (repeatedly saying things that doesn't make sense) with significant social or occupational dysfunction. Although I won't dismiss the idea that this person could possibly be possessed by demon. The fact that he walked calmly to his father and sawing his neck with a knife while his father was praying, maybe the devil did took advantage of his weaknesses and sickness and overcome him. So I guess it all depends on what you believe in - Science or Spirit. FYI, the guy is currently on trial for the murder of his own father.