Fate has it that it's just not meant to be, as a Christian, I know u ll b in a better place call heaven, probably sitting at Jesus lap. And playing and jumping happily with all the cute kittens and cats, running around like there's no tomorrow. U can do whatever u please, pee anywhere u want and nobody will scold or curse u. Looking at the brighter side of life, I guess I'm trying to comfort myself cos today is my birthday. It's not easy putting up a smile to everyone who wishes u happy birthday, when ur heart feels like breaking into a million pieces.
Enough is enough. I'm not going to keep another pet, I don't want to go through emotional distress each time a pet dies or got sick. Its a big responsibility. I can't do it anymore. So to all of u pet owner, if u can't keep more than 1 pet, please neuter ur pet.
Dear Whisker, u shall live forever in my loving memory, go free... wait for me in heaven's gate :-)
13 years ago